What do we want from Criterion Collection releases?


 Around the middle of each month, movie fans wait for beloved distribution label Criterion Collection to list its upcoming releases. The announcement is usually an event as people try to guess the releases ahead of time, and then obsess over special features and cover designs. Each month is met with enthusiasm or indifference, usually somewhere in the middle. Some are disappointed over the lack of exciting or at least recognizable titles, while others express resignation that Criterion has to put out more name-brand movies for sales.

 I think there are two types of Criterion titles. The first type is a movie that needs Criterion, and the second type is a movie that Criterion needs more than the movie needs Criterion. Perhaps there's a third type in the middle there, a film that could use a definitive edition and is populist but doesn't quite feel like a money grab. 

I myself struggle with what I want from Criterion. I know of course that it's a business, it's for profit. So it makes logical sense for them to put in the effort to acquire The Breakfast Club or Parasite, because those discs will sell not only to cinephiles but to general audiences who liked the film but might not know the difference between labels. 

And I also see the appeal of bringing obscure titles to the forefront, so that more people see them and they can find a larger audience. Criterion "rescues" movies in a few ways. One, by literally restoring and piecing together lost or damaged prints. Two, by giving misunderstood or unsuccessful movies a stamp or approval. And three, by putting out official editions of movies that just weren't given the attention they needed. 

In theory, I wish Criterion would stop releasing titles that are kind of nakedly for the sales. I want them to focus on obscure titles, and restoring hard to find classics. But not only is that unrealistic, but it's also hypocritical of me. I can admit that with little hesitation. There are some cinephiles who (god bless them) purchase almost every Criterion disc and earnestly want to discover new to them films. But that's not me. I only buy the discs that appeal to me. I want to see movies on there that I like and recognize (even if only by name) because that is what drives me to purchase. I wish I were more adventurous with the physical media. With the Criterion Channel, I can put on whatever but I'm a bit more precious with my shelf space and money. 

So I can roll my eyes at The Princes Bride getting a disc, because that movie has been released and rereleased numerous times and also plays on TV a lot, shows up on streaming services often. It doesn't need the visibility. But then I get excited by Moonstruck and All About Eve joining the collection. This is obvious but we all want to see movies we like or that appeal to us in the collection. 
